Fix Your Recruiting Messages to Attract Diverse Candidates

Want ads and recruiting copy need to be rethought and rewritten if organizations want to be more inclusive

inc. magazine
Inc Magazine


By Michelle Manafy

The business case for diversity is well-documented. Having diverse teams from the board room to the factory floor has positive impacts on everything from product development to management style and revenue. However, stories about the lack of diversity in organizations, and accusations of bias, anti-LGBTQ, and overt racism and sexism continue to flood the news. Many companies have stepped forward with apologies and pledges to do better. And, in turn, these are met with skepticism by a public long inured to empty promises and token gestures.

What can companies do to build a more diverse workforce? According to Katrina Kibben, CEO and founder of Three Ears Media, “writing a press release is definitely not the answer.” In fact, even though the bulk of her company’s work is in helping organizations create better career content, Kibben doesn’t believe that you should start with your recruiting either.

“Right now, we are looking down the barrel of change … and that’s a time for reflection,” she says. While the inclination might be to call a board meeting and vent, this is a time to…



inc. magazine
Inc Magazine

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