How Do You Stand to Benefit From Blockchain and IoT Advances?
Blockchain expert Markus Levin talks cryptography, distributed geospatial security, and the new IoT possibilities
By Tracy Leigh Hazzard
Markus Levin mined his first Bitcoin in 2013 and has been captivated by blockchain technologies ever since. From then until now, we’ve been witness to so much change, plenty of growth, and our eyes have been opened to the massive possibilities ahead of us as we step into higher technology. These days, you can find Markus on Larry King Now, running the show over at XYO, and innovating the options we have to utilize blockchain, geospatial, and IoT technologies.
Geospatial versus Global Positioning (GPS)
If devices are being used, the devices themselves are able to verify one another with geospatial location services, and with so many devices, we can create a map that will show whether or not your location is probable based on so many factors. GPS is incredible, as long as you aren’t underground, within a few feet of accuracy. But it can easily be hacked and with a small amount of time and effort I could pretend to be in Thailand or Tokyo, with my data showing that as well. Having certainty around location data, for a business like…