How to Make Your First Billion by Riding the Tech Backlash

People increasingly want what our over-computerized world completely lacks: privacy, predictability, and durability

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Inc Magazine


Photo: Andrzej Wojcicki/Science Photo Library/Getty Images

By Geoffrey James

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past year, you know that the high-tech bloom is off the proverbial rose. Hardly a day goes by that companies like Facebook, Amazon, or Google aren’t tagged with egregious abuses and ham-handed cover-ups.

It’s only a matter of time before smart people figure out that it might not be entirely wise to entrust all your personal and business affairs, and indeed your ability to survive, to cadres of stressed-out, half-trained engineers working in noisy open-plan offices for CEOs who think ethics are Kryptonite.

We’re already seeing it with vote counting systems, which like everything else, are eminently and easily hackable. Given that we know that foreign actors have been mucking around inside internet-connected ballot systems, sensible people want to return to paper ballots and hand-counts.

So the backlash is coming. Big time. The question now is: What kind of new and profitable businesses will the backlash generate? Here are three products that might ride the backlash to become viable businesses:



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