How to Write a Book Proposal That Will Keep You Out of the Reject Pile

If you want to publish a book, the first thing you’ll need to do is to put together a book proposal. Follow these 4 steps to craft one publishers will love.

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Inc Magazine


Photo: Alexa Mazzarello

By Rhett Power

When Steve Jobs wrote a book, it was to create a historical record. Howard Schultz had unique insights into management he wanted to share. Those who are draped in controversy may write a book to set the record straight. My first book was written to help tell the story of how two first time entrepreneurs survived and thrived during the “great recession.”

Most executives, however, are hoping to advance their careers through basic self-promotion. A book can be shared with your boss or investors, and it can give you a strategy for earning speaking gigs by demonstrating distinct insights with widespread applicability.

The good news is that you don’t have to write an entire book only to get rejected. What you need is a book proposal, which you send to publishers in hopes that they’ll accept your idea and platform. If a publisher likes what he or she sees, you’ll be commissioned to write a full manuscript.



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