The 5 Super-Short Emails That Everyone Needs

Less is more because brevity is the soul of wit

inc. magazine
Inc Magazine


By Geoffrey James

Based upon working remotely since (wow, has it been that long?) 1996, here are five short, sweet emails that I’ve found extraordinarily useful:

1. The Stall and Probe

Problem: Your boss suddenly and unexpected asks to meet with you.

Dumb Move: Immediately hop on the phone with the boss. Chances are you’ll be blindsided and thus less able to advance your own interest.

Smart Move: Find out what the boss wants and secure some time to think about it, so you’ll be prepared for the discussion.

Example (customize as necessary):

SUBJECT: Re: We need to talk

I’m in a meeting with a customer but will be free in an hour.

To ensure we have as productive a meeting as possible, could you give me an idea of the topics we’ll be discussing?

2. The Relationship Reviver

Problem: You need something from a contact you’ve neglected for several years.

Dumb Move: “Hey, long time no see. I hope you’re staying safe! Hey, I was wondering if you could do something…



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