This Is The Most Valuable Commodity of the 21st Century

The competition to capture and understand digital behaviors is just beginning. There’s a dark side to that, but we should be just as vigilant in exploiting its value.

inc. magazine
Inc Magazine


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

By Thomas Koulopoulos

The refrain of, “if it’s free then you are the product,” has become part of our common vernacular.

Clearly, nothing is free, it’s only the currency in which we pay that differs.

While the price paid for the use of social media may not be coming out of your bank account, it is most certainly coming out of something that is quickly turning into the single most valuable long-term commodity of the 21st century — your digital self.

Your Digital Self

Your digital self is the collection of data that intimately describes you in a way that makes it possible to model your current behaviors and to predict your future behaviors. You build it every time you browse, communicate, or transact with hundreds of online interactions, from your Gmail, to your Facebook posts, to the what you buy on Amazon.

I’m fascinated by how the notion of a digital self is evolving. So much so that in an upcoming book Revealing



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