This Type of Cyberattack Could Seriously Hurt Your Small Business. Here Are 3 Ways to Protect Yourself.

What is this cyberattack and how can small businesses protect themselves?

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Inc Magazine


Credit: Askhat Gilyakhov/iStock/Getty Images Plus

By Neill Feather

It’s no secret that Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can be devastating to enterprises, taking websites offline and costing companies money and data. But did you know that many hackers actually target small businesses?

That’s right — small businesses aren’t in the clear just because of their size, and small-business owners need a game plan for preventing DDoS attacks. This type of attack can have a big impact because its symptoms are often mistaken for ordinary usability issues, such as your site loading slower than usual.

Here’s everything you need to know about DDoS attacks and key security measures small businesses can use to protect themselves from them.

What is a DDoS attack?

DDoS is a common type of cyberattack that attempts to crash a website by overwhelming it with fake requests and traffic from hundreds, or even thousands of sources. In a DDoS attack, multiple infected computers on different networks, known as a botnet, flood your website with requests all at once.



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