Want to Give a Better Presentation to Investors? Start With These 3 Tips

When in doubt, keep things simple

inc. magazine
Inc Magazine


Photo: Airfocus

By Erik Severinghaus

If you’re a founder trying to raise money, I bet I can tell you the biggest problem with your pitch deck without even needing to look at the presentation.

As an investor myself, I see a lot of pitch decks from entrepreneurs trying to raise money. Of course they span all different stages, industries and ideas. The founders come from all different ages and backgrounds. They are all very different, but they almost always have one thing in common:

They fail to truly showcase what is unique about the company.

My advice is always the same the first few times we look at the presentation. Simplify and focus. I also share the following advice:

1. Stop jamming way too much information into the presentation.

You are likely trying to make sure you have a slide to answer every question that every investor could ever ask. The result is information overload; the truly powerful soul of what makes you special is being lost in the weeds of all the data.

Remember that the purpose of a first investor meeting is to raise enough interest to get to…



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