Want to Raise Successful Kids? Science Uncovers the Parenting Style That Creates Better Leaders

The process starts with establishing different intentions — for yourself

inc. magazine
Inc Magazine


By Jeff Haden

Want to raise successful kids? Start by backing the (heck) off.

Hold that thought.

Just as sales skills are critical to success — the ability to explain the logic and benefits of a decision, to convince others that an idea makes sense, to help employees understand the benefits of a new process, etc. — so are leadership skills. Great teams, and great companies, are built by great leaders.

That’s why Google devoted considerable time identifying the key behaviors of its best team managers, research that allows the company to determine if someone is a great leader in less than five minutes.

So how can you help your kids learn to become leaders — and, by extension, help your employees learn to become better formal and informal leaders?

Yep: Back the (heck) off.

In a 2019 study published in Journal of Applied Psychology, researchers assessed the leadership potential of more than 1,500 teenagers: surveying peers, teachers, and parents to evaluate whether each individual was seen as…



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Inc Magazine

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