Why Every Meeting Should Be Optional

Want better meetings? Let everyone know they don’t have to show up.

inc. magazine
Inc Magazine


Photo: Tom Werner/DigitalVision/Getty Images

By J. Elise Keith

“You say to make every meeting optional. That’s provocative, but is it practical? How would that work? Does anyone do that?”

In my research into meeting practices at high-performing organizations, I found they had a lot in common. Some practices showed up everywhere, like using a clear process to run meetings and taking good notes. Other ideas only showed up in a handful of places, but when they did, they were game changers — big ideas that lead everyone to step up their meeting game.

Andy Kaufman, the host of the People and Projects podcast, picked up on the game changer that leaders find most implausible: Make meetings optional.

It sounds like a radical policy, but when you look more closely, you’ll see that it’s a no-brainer. Here’s why.

1. Making meetings optional eliminates excuses

No one likes their time wasted in a pointless meeting. We also hate sitting next to someone who’s checking their email, rolling their eyes, and vampire sucking all the energy out of the room.



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Inc Magazine

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