Credit: Efrén, Creative Commons

IncBuilders: Entrepreneurship and the politics of inclusion

Matthew Rothenberg
IncBuilders Insights
3 min readDec 7, 2020


Diversity, equity and inclusion are at the top of public consciousness in 2020 — and the field of early-stage of startups is territory badly in need of DEI.

Unless they’re already rich in funds and experience, entrepreneurs enter the startup arena facing a Catch-22:

  • You need money to create a product or solution and market it to customers, but
  • You need a product and customers to raise money

Outside an elite “club” of serial entrepreneurs, early-stage entrepreneurs don’t have the experience or track record to assemble a team of specialists, or effectively execute an idea and bring it to market.

What’s more, they’re more likely than the privileged few to need to share equity instead of cash with early collaborators — but they don’t have a system to split that equity fairly in a way that avoids diluting their shares without getting value.

These barriers to entry are higher for members of disenfranchised groups, and the contribute to wealth gaps based on race, ethnicity and gender.

The tough truth: Entrepreneurship is a black box unless you’re already in the club, and few startups get a real shot at success.

IncBuilders’ mission: Changing the odds in your favor.

IncBuilders is the venture collaboration platform for entrepreneurs looking to take an idea from concept all the way through funding. It provides mentorship and a panel of experts to monitor progress and provide accountability .

It also provides a wealth of collaborators and services waiting to provide your startup with skills such as coding, legal expertise, marketing, and sales to name a few.

IncBuilders is dedicated to providing the best platform and customer service to make your business venture a reality.

We also recognize that one size doesn’t fit all. Entrepreneurs aren’t all pursuing an identical goal, and their specific needs vary from startup to startup.

As an entrepreneurial ecosystem, the IncBuilders platform creates opportunities for collaborators, services, investors and institutions.

Collaborators can connect with startups that will compensate them for their skills on the terms they prefer — whether that’s a full-time job or a supplemental gig, for equity, cash or a combination of both.

Services can offer special incentives to early-stage startups that want to take advantage of their expertise in law, accounting, marketing and more.

Investors — whether angels or VCs — can get early access to a thriving community of new startups.

Institutions. To accomplish its goals, IncBuilders teams up with incubators, accelerators, educational institutions, innovation centers, other communities (like PDA, Blue Star Families, etc.) and onboards them on the platform. Collaboration is the key to get things done and promote entrepreneurship effectively.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend toward virtual productivity and long-distance collaboration. Now is the time for collaborators with vision to take full advantage of this new territory — and IncBuilders is here to help you every step of the way.



Matthew Rothenberg
IncBuilders Insights

Matthew Rothenberg has been telling stories since the dawn of digital media, including top B2B and B2C publications and brands great and small.