Build up your cryptocurrency savings as you shop online.

Incent Loyalty


The Incent Marketplace is a blockchain platform, that allows you to accumulate digital rewards with real value as you go about your online business.

Australia has some of the highest personal debt in the world. Average debt is more than 200% of net income, meaning people owe twice as much as they earn per year. That cashes out at a total of $2 trillion, or $250,000 per household.

There’s ‘good debt’ and ‘bad debt’, of course, and a large proportion of the total has been taken on to help build long-term wealth. A mortgage is an investment in your future, for example. But there’s a reason why money worries are the top cause of stress for Australians. There’s still the cost of servicing those mortgages and student debt — and then there’s the $20,000 of ‘bad debt’ like credit card debt and other unsecured loans, which reduce your monthly income without anything to show for it further down the line.

We don’t pretend to have all the answers to these problems, but we do have something that might make a difference.

Earn crypto as you buy online

There aren’t many good ways of saving money these days. It can be tough to earmark money to put aside every month, and interest rates are at record lows. But our platform enables you to put cash aside as cryptocurrency as you shop, without costing you anything extra.

All you need to do is sign up to our platform. Whenever you shop with our partners, you’ll get a little reward in Incent — our own digital currency — delivered directly to your wallet.

Unlike other reward points, Incent is worth real money. You can save it, send it to someone else, spend it or even sell it for other digital currencies or Aussie dollars on an exchange.

Right now we’re set to integrate with a number of local businesses in Darlinghurst this July, before we roll out the app with national partners at the end of the year. Our hope is that the more businesses and Australian consumers use Incent, the more activity there is through our platform and the more everyone will benefit.

There aren’t any guarantees when it comes to money, but we like to think we have a little piece of the puzzle right here. If you want to find out more, we’d love to hear from you. You can sign up for to Incent, check our blog for regular updates, follow us @IncentLoyalty, or drop by our Slack to chat with our community.



Incent Loyalty

Incent is a global reward currency designed to reward anyone, anywhere for any digitally-trackable action. Find out more at