Bank integration — how does it work and how secure is it?

Incent Loyalty
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2018

Receiving rewards with Incent is pretty simple. You register on our platform, and then every time you spend money with one of our partners, you’ll receive cryptocurrency straight to your account.

In order to know where you have shopped and how much you have spent so that we can send you your Incent, our platform uses banking API technology to connect to your bank account and pull the relevant information from it. When you sign up with Incent, you’ll need to give us permission to do that and provide a few details. Once you’ve finished, that’s it — you’ll automatically start receiving INCNT every time you spend money with our partnering stores.

We can only access details you have given us permission to view, and the process uses the same security processes the banks use. Moreover, there are reasons why this approach is actually more secure and convenient for you than the alternatives.

Incent is registered with AUSTRAC, and complies with Australian Government AML/CTF obligations. It’s a requirement not only of Incent’s adherence to ‘best practices’ in the business, but also more specifically that we provide robust security and encryption on par with the banking sector in Australia.
It’s the same method used by investment apps like Acorns and Raiz, accounting software like QuickBooks and budget planning app Pocketbook.. (And naturally, while we can only read transaction information from your account, we can’t spend or transfer your money.)

Fast, secure, simple Beyond that, there are several advantages for both our customers and Incent to using direct banking integration.

You’re only giving your information to one company (Incent), to receive rewards from any supported business. There’s no need to go through the hassle of signing up with each one. Merchants don’t need your information for us to distribute rewards, so you retain better control of your personal data. You know that when you are rewarded for shopping with those companies, they’re not selling your personal information to third parties — because they don’t have it. You don’t even need to carry a reward card, or spend any extra time at the till to claim your points. Because Incent reads that transaction directly from your bank account, the whole process can be automated. The rewards just appear in your account. In fact, you might not even realise that you’ve received INCNT for shopping at the time!

With one account, and one set of details from you, we can start issuing you with rewards from every single partner in the Incent ecosystem. After you register, the whole process is absolutely frictionless — you won’t even notice it’s happening.



Incent Loyalty

Incent is a global reward currency designed to reward anyone, anywhere for any digitally-trackable action. Find out more at