When your mind explores..
My mind isn’t staying where I’d like it to these days
and it seems to find it fun.
Floating off to another place
while I find myself alone…
We’ve tried to coax it back
with kind words or new events
but it seems to hate the cage I’ve made
and found a cooler pad.
Without it though things are weird
and my voice doesn’t come out right
leaving me a stumbling mess,
while people pretend that I am fine.
In here is wild chaos
no road goes same place twice.
It’s a spaghetti bowl of highways,
with no signals and no signs.
— honking horns and no where to go,
when it’s your fault for being here
knowing you should have stayed at home
where theres safely in the air.
its gone and I don’t know where it’s went
but we’ll just let the anarchy fly
’til the traffic takes a rest.