As we turn 3, we’re upping our support for entrepreneurial communities worldwide.

How we’re going to use what we’ve learned from you over the last 1,096 days, to enable global & local entrepreneurship even more.

Hector Kolonas
included Coworking Updates
3 min readOct 2, 2017


On October 1st 2014, went live from a shared workspace in Manchester; supporting around a dozen more partner communities who were enabling entrepreneurship in other young ecosystems like Limassol, Kraków, and Athens.

These coworking communities give entrepreneurs so much more than just affordable deskspace and wifi, and we’ve been working to support, connect and enrich their memberships ever since.

Today we enrich over 18,000 memberships within 231 communities across 41 countries with shared buying-power. But we’re not stopping there.

Over the last 1,096 days we’ve had hundreds (if not thousands) of chats, calls and coffees with entrepreneurs, startup teams, small businesses, community operators, ecosystem coordinators and solution vendors.

From you we’ve learned so much about how you want the future of doing global business to look, feel and work. And so, for our birthday, we’re proud to share 2 new programmes designed to enable even more global entrepreneurship.

These will sit alongside our ever-growing effort to leverage our shared buying-power to unlock even more savings and opportunities for included members.

Enriching micro-entrepreneurship deep within the ‘gig’ economy. was launched to enable entrepreneurship worldwide, and we chose coworking communities as our core, and this will not change.

However within and all-around these communities are hundreds of thousands of individuals who ride, drive, share or provide services or products through what’s become known as the ‘gig’ or ‘sharing’ economy.

In our hearts, and according to the law in many countries, these individuals are all running “micro-businesses”; working for themselves but acquiring leads/sales and accepting payment through a variety of platforms or apps.

And so, we’ve been running private pilots to extend our platform to support the members of gig-economy and other entrepreneurial communities, giving individual members the shared buying-power and support they need to make each mile, appointment, line of code, or online-lesson stretch so much further.

You can get more info on this programme via or by contacting us directly.

Enabling global travel through the exchange programme.

The world is increasingly interconnected, and businesses are becoming global players even faster. This means that more and more team members at young businesses need to travel and explore new ecosystems.

However, even the tightest-knit communities can sometimes leave visitors or digital nomads feeling a bit disconnected as ‘outsiders’, sometimes even requiring some form of vetting to understandably protect communities from spammy salespeople.

After months and months of planning, learning, re-planning, we believe we’ve developed a solution that solves the challenges that hinder the adoption and management of a truly global and fair exchange programme.

In the next few days more and more of our 200+ community partners will be given the opportunity to opt into the programme which will reward their members with 1 Exchange Credit per monthly membership renewal.

These credits can be swapped for Day Passes at any community outside of your base city.

For example if you have collected 12 Exchange Credits from your coworking membership in London, you can join any coworking community for 12 days for free during your travels anywhere outside of London.

Exchange Credits are also tied to your profile, so community managers will know how and who to intro you to when you arrive, and be able to side-step the need to for any more vetting before you arrive.

You can get more information on the Exchange Credits, as well as details about getting early access via

A massive thanks to all the advisors, vendors, community operators, members, ambassadors and all-around fantastic people who’ve supported us in building the solution discovery platform our businesses all need to grow even faster!



Hector Kolonas
included Coworking Updates

A business problem-solver & coworking enabler. Currently helping 1,000s of businesses grow from coworking communities around the world through @includedco.