šŸŖ„ My Lifeā€™s Turning Point ā€” A Stroke Of Luck, A Touch of Empowerment & Included VCā€™s Magic

Soo Min Hong
Included VC
Published in
13 min readJul 28, 2023

šŸ‘‹ Hi folks, Iā€™m Soo Min ā€” Included VC Cohort Member, future (Classā€™ 23). Iā€™m a queer, immigrant woman currently living in Stockholm, Sweden. Iā€™m always up for a chat, so feel free to reach out, whenever! Iā€™m on LinkedIn or if youā€™re wanting to write to me, you can catch me via email.

This is my story of how I went from zero to heroine: going from over 100+ unsuccessful job applications ā€” to full immersion in the world that is VC. Itā€™s a tale of how a stroke of luck, hard work, and never giving up changed my lifeā€¦ And can change yours too. Itā€™s about how Included VC came just at the right time for me. And how two people from the Included VC Team believing in me completely transformed my life. If youā€™ve ever experienced self-doubt, have lost faith or faced difficult bumps in your career journey, this story is for you.

This gif of me will make a lot more sense as you read on!

šŸ§— Resilient is my middle name

You may be wondering, who really is this Soo Min? Well, Iā€™m originally South Korean. Grew up most of my younger years in France. I currently live in Sweden because I have a half Swedish partner.

Iā€™m the daughter of two immigrants, and am to this day an immigrant myself. Iā€™m in Europe today because my parents dreamed a European dream (playing on the American dream) post Asian Financial Crisis, when we lost nearly everything. We moved to Europe with just our savings, nothing else ā€” which we spent pretty fast.

Moving to France was a huge learning. Some tell me itā€™s a blessing, but others that have been through immigration will understand me when I say itā€™s no walk in the park. I had to take my parentsā€™ hands and interpret for them at banks, immigration offices, school, and more. Iā€™ve long supported my family financially as my parentsā€™ South Korean degrees have never really been recognised as relevant in Europe. Iā€™ve often been made to feel like an outsider: I applied for citizenship many times and got refused. Iā€™m still on a residency permit, even though Iā€™ve been here for 20 years now, which is crazy to say aloud.

However, thatā€™s just a part of who I am. My friends also tell me Iā€™m resilient. They tell others Iā€™m their ā€œride or dieā€, because Iā€™m always there no matter what. Iā€™m proud to say Iā€™ve built myself a career. Iā€™ve gone to prestigious universities on scholarships. Thereā€™s much more to me, of course, as weā€™re all extremely complex beings. But that was a short version of who I am.

Now that weā€™ve talked a bit about me, letā€™s move on to how my story became a powerful vehicle to being seen at Included VC.

šŸ“– Whoā€™s doing the storytelling?

As one of my most favourite authors, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie says,

ā€œStories matter. Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign, but stories can also be used to empower and to humanise. Stories can break the dignity of a people, but stories can also repair that broken dignity.ā€

And oh ā€” is she right.

Everyone has a story. Itā€™s why weā€™re told we should never judge a book by its cover. The reasoning behind the saying is simple: you donā€™t really know whatā€™s happening in a personā€™s private life that leads them to exhibit certain behaviours or reactions. Now, that doesnā€™t necessarily justify how a person then chooses to act or do upon others, however, you do get a snippet of their story. As wisely phrased by Adichie, we need to remember that the narrative and what we perceive is driven by the who, and the how.

šŸŽ­ The outside worldā€™s story of meā€¦

Have you been told by others they respect your success ā€” but have felt the reality behind the scenes and said success is a little different? Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve felt for a long time. Has anyone told you that this success would surely land you a job in any field? Thatā€™s what people told me too.

The larger story people tell of me in my network is that Iā€™m rather successful in my field, and that I am lucky to hold an array of talents. Iā€™ve worked as an Operator, Researcher, and Founder ā€” and I speak 5 languages fluently. Many have told me that they feel I should be able to land any job Iā€™d like out there, as long as I have a thorough understanding of the role Iā€™m applying for and the companyā€™s values.

Thatā€™s the way the external story has been woven. My own reality, however, feels a tad less idealistic compared to what I hear people tell me.

šŸ‘‰ The real storyā€¦

Yes, I am qualified. I have grit. I am well prepared, and yes, I do feel I have a skillset that does set me apart. All things considered, oddly enough, itā€™s never been smooth sailing for me. Or maybe not so ā€œoddly enoughā€.

Iā€™ve been asked multiple times why Iā€™ve worked on my own for so long as a Freelancer. The perception is that I get to be a digital nomad travelling all over the world, working from home, working whenever I want to.

So you have full control of your timetable? And you get to work on a project-basis with SMEs and startups from all over the world? What a dream!

Not having to work with other teammates that you may disagree with in an office youā€™re tired of going toā€¦? Sounds like an ideal job. Youā€™re so lucky!

The reality is Iā€™ve actually always wanted to work with others rather than by myself. Work for an employer so I can actually get my pension and social security paid for. I ended up freelancing because I couldnā€™t quite land a job anywhere in Europe. Sometimes, if I were lucky, I would be offered temporary opportunities. Itā€™s something I hate to admit, but as a queer, immigrant woman in Europe landing a secure job in the market isnā€™t as simple as youā€™d hope for someone like me.

The fact is itā€™s never been easy for me to land a job, because hard work and grit only gets you so far. They got me into great universities. They kept me in those universities, as I was able to solve expensive fees and living costs with my three to four part-time jobs. Hard work and resilience made sure I was able to support my family and get an education. They created unique opportunities for me. They got me more often than not to final stages of interviews at big name companies. They built me my career.

However, itā€™s the sparks of luck that have driven me leaps forward. A kind person willing to believe in my idea. A new client open to taking a chance with me even though theyā€™d never heard of me. Colleagues referring me to others. Random strangers that are a part of the same LGBTQIA+ or BIAPOC community on LinkedIn ā€” and their acts of kindness. Those smaller sparks of luck are tremendously powerful. And thatā€™s what Included VC has been for me.

Let me give you some context about what happened in 2023 before I dive head into how Included VC has been a (huge) spark of luck in my life.

šŸŒŠ In 2023, I sense a change comingā€¦

  • I got into Included VC, an extremely competitive fully funded global VC Fellowship ā€” thousands apply every year and only around 2% get picked to be a part of this exclusive learning,
  • was a part of multiple projects at Google, leading their internal DE&I initiatives ā€” advising them on diverse marketing as well as product inclusion, and
  • founded my very own consultancy that supports VCs with their platforming through tailor-made DE&I sprints and training.

You might be thinking ā€” so what?

šŸ˜© Well, hereā€™s what also happened in 2023:

šŸ’” An experience I didnā€™t think was possible

Not quite in 2023, but relevant to my story, at the end of 2022 I got laid off. I wonā€™t go much into detail, as it was a rather scarring experience for meā€¦ But needless to say, it was difficult.

šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø I applied to 100+ jobs during my unemployment period

This lasted 6 months. I didnā€™t get to receive my unemployment stipend. My job applications mostly came back negative, and the few times I heard back to interview, I would always reach the final stage; but they would then pick the other candidate. This happened at least five times, and of course, every time I had case study work to do. If youā€™ve gone through waves of rejection in 2023 because of the economic downturn, youā€™ll definitely know how mentally taxing it can be.

ā¤ļø Full-time caregiver for a loved one

A lot of my time outside of work is spent figuring out how I can care for someone I love dearly, remotely. Thatā€™s a story for another time.

In a day and age where we more often than not like to focus on the successes rather than the failuresā€¦ Itā€™s easy to fall into the rabbit hole of believing hard work = immediate, rich harvests in your career. Unfortunately, grinding onwards isnā€™t always what gets you to where you want or need to go.

You need the help of an outstretched hand. Someone who believes in you, the seemingly rewardless ā€œpaying it forwardā€ ā€” that can transform a personā€™s life from nothing to everything. In 2023, instead of paying it forward myself, as I have done countless times in my personal and professional lives ā€” I have been the recipient of this generous ā€œpay it forwardā€ directly and itā€™s been revolutionary.

šŸŽø *Alexa, play dramatic boss battle electric guitar music*

šŸšŖ Enter Included VC

I mentioned I got into Included VC. Well, let me tell you what it is, what the story is behind my acceptance, and how itā€™s been a fantastic turning point. If youā€™re interested in hearing more about how this amazing team has been revolutionising the VC industry and taking firm steps in a direction no one has ā€” keep reading.

You may be asking; what is Included VC? Wellā€¦

Think of it like a ā€œunique fast-track MBA for venture capitalā€ for extraordinary leaders. Included VC is a first of its kind fully funded global Venture Capital Fellowship for individuals from overlooked & diverse communities ā€” itā€™s about carving the much needed representation in the VC space.

Mission: To diversify and change the face of the VC industry, dramatically increasing representation and maximising fund success by transforming networks, staff, deal flow and investments; creating effective multi-generational change.

Over 80% of those Fellows that were actively looking for a role have broken into the venture capital ecosystem globally ā€” from Asia to Europe to North America.

Included VC is supported by an international consortium of venture capital partners and sponsors including: BITKRAFT, Creandum, Daphni, European Investment Fund, K Fund, HSBC Ventures, HV Capital, Mouro Capital, Mangrove Capital, Notion Capital, Seedcamp and Wilson Sonsini.

Sounds too good to be true? Itā€™s just too good. Period.

In March 2023 I applied to Included VC, after hearing from a close friend about this unbelievably amazing initiative. I was ready for something new, and had been reading quite a bit about the VC industry. How VC is no longer just a US/Europe-focused industry, how funds have been raised in emerging economies. I started digging into Included VCā€™s Medium page, reading the blog posts that were there ā€” and the cogs in my brain started turning. I had been working with and for startups for a little while. Why not sit at the other side of the table? Gain an insight into how investment works? Eventually, work for a fund that will hopefully accelerate economic growth in developing countries? It all seemed too good to be true, and my Imposter Syndrome started kicking in, but I was in a rut early 2023 so I told myselfā€¦ Why not?

I noticed their application form contained open ended questions. Great! There wasnā€™t anything about qualifications nor knowledge of the VC space. Their website literally said,

ā€˜Iā€™m a mumā€™, ā€˜Iā€™m a studentā€™, ā€˜Iā€™m not in techā€™, ā€˜Iā€™m not in investment bankingā€™ā€¦ We encourage you to apply!

You miss šŸ’Æ % of the shots you donā€™t take. Even if you arenā€™t sure if you qualify for Included VCā€™s Fellowship, still apply ā€” you never know what could happen.

Remember my personal story from earlier on? Yes, the Fellowship openly welcomes people like me ā€” and maybe like you. The ones that have long fought to carve our spaces, that just need that push forward, that (huge) hint of visibility and support. The Imposter Syndrome blew away for a second, and I typed in my answers. Little did I know I changed my destiny by fatefully applying to Included VC. I was nervous for a week, two weeksā€¦ Then as our brains do, it slipped from my mind that I had applied. I was still in job hunt mode and supporting myself financially was the greatest priority ā€” so I applied to a bunch of jobs, did a bunch of interviews, cried a bit here and there. Then one morning I saw I had received an email from Included VC. ā€œOh yes, I had applied, let me just read rejection #85ā€¦ā€ I opened the email and I had gotten a first interview.

šŸŒ”ļø Getting warmer

The next steps flew by. After the very first interview with an Included VC alum (a Fellow), who was extremely kind and very personal, I left the call feeling warm and fuzzy. The following interview was with Nikita (Co-Founder & CEO) and Anu (Operations Manager) which didnā€™t feel like an interview at all. They were open ears about my life experiences rather than having me ā€œprove myselfā€ to get into the Fellowship.

It was a conversation, not a test.

While I felt both interviews went well, I did know the competition was fierce, and not wanting to be disappointed, I told myself it wasnā€™t likely Iā€™d get in. Then came the day of reckoning.

āœØ The magic of Included VC: from normie to hero(ine)

The last meeting is one where the Team lets each of us know whether we get in or not. I entered the room, feeling already defeated as my meeting with them was scheduled later in my month, and my slightly paranoid Imposter Syndrome brain assumed a later meeting meant a rejection Ć  la job interviews. The ones that tend to land the job at the final stage are usually informed first and foremost. Trying to muster my best smile, I uttered a feeble ā€œHelloā€, and waited for my execution. Then something magical happened. Nikita uttered the seven (lucky) words that changed my life: ā€œWelcome to Included VC, Class of 2023!ā€ My face froze mid-smile for about 2.5 (long) seconds.

My quite literal live reaction to getting ā€˜THE NEWSā€™

ā€œWhat did you say? Waitā€¦ What? Huh? What?ā€ (Yes, that GIF) After going through five different levels of emotion all together, I processed what Nikita had just told me.

I had gotten in. Me!

All that rejection was over. The first ā€œYesā€ in a long time! I tried my best to contain my excitement, and told both of them ā€œThank Youā€. After the call I pumped my arms in the air followed by a series of unwanted kisses to my cats.

Yes ā€” Iā€™m a cat lover, you can see my cat in the background along with my friend and fellow Included VC Cohort Member, Marjan who is also just as fond of cats as me!

As diverse people with multiple intersections (race, gender, disability, class, geography, education, etc.), weā€™ve all probably had to in one way or another fight for a seat at the table, whatever industries it is we work in. People still talk about the Global North and the Global South for crying out loud. If youā€™re like me, youā€™ll know better than anyone how much of a difference one win makes after many losses. Especially when the criteria for making it is, ā€œI see something special in you, and I believe in you.ā€ Not who you know, what you do, etc. Itā€™s about what you stand for.

Iā€™ve been in the Fellowship for two months now ā€” and itā€™s been everything itā€™s promised and more. Iā€™ve already made what feels like lifelong friendships. Met amazing Investors that I would in no way be able to bump into had I not joined this Fellowship. Most importantly, I feel seen.

Nikita regularly introduces me to the powerful network thatā€™s associated with Included VC all the time. Anu is super personal and makes sure Iā€™m integrating all right. Theyā€™re like the two VC parents that youā€™ve never had. And this power combination is definitely going to land me that job in VC, I believe it. No, actually let me correct myself ā€” I know it. Letā€™s make this an affirmation.

šŸ€ Done the hard work? Itā€™s ā€œluckā€ time

If I havenā€™t already convinced you to apply to the next Cohort, let me just finish off by giving you the nitty gritty details. Youā€™d get access to:

  • Exclusive masterclasses,
  • Foundational and peer-to-peer learning,
  • Investment Committee simulations,
  • Investment Memos and practical deal sourcing exercises,
  • Mentorship with world class Investors (some on the Midas list),
  • Office hours with the Team,
  • As well as an in-person celebration with all the previous yearsā€™ alumni and current/potential Partners.
Here I am living my best life at our first Masterclass on VC Fundamentals led by Notion Capitalā€™s Managing Partner, Stephen Chandler

You donā€™t know what any of that means because you have zero knowledge about VC, but are still interested in the world of VC? Do you feel like you donā€™t see people like you in the VC world? Then you need to join. Itā€™s wild that all of this is global and fully funded for 5 whole months. And at the heart of everything, youā€™re given a community, a family. If you feel like my story was compelling, there are so many others in the community that have a story similar to mine (or completely different to mine because thatā€™s what makes us cool āœŒļø). That have done the hard work and need a bit of luck. And thatā€™s what really glues us together. That makes us want to be better people and ā€œpay it forwardā€ for others like usā€¦ Like you. The VC industry can be pretty cutthroat ā€” and having this family before fully launching yourself into the industry can only be a huge asset.

Iā€™ve mentioned hard work can only get you so far. Are you ready to let in that little bit of luck? If youā€™re hesitating to apply ā€” just do it. It will impact you in ways you canā€™t even imagine. Of all the ā€œtoo good to be trueā€ things out there, this is the one. So go for it. I donā€™t always believe in myself, but I believe in my VC parents, Nikita and Anu, who believe in me. And theyā€™ve been my rock throughout the processā€¦ Still are! Join the family, share the love.

šŸ’œ Thank you for taking the time to read about my way into Included VC! Again, if youā€™d like to get in touch with me, you can add me/reach out to me on LinkedIn or email me directly. Iā€™m an easy whisper away.



Soo Min Hong
Included VC

Included VC Cohort Member (Class ā€˜23) | DE&I Inclusive Product