With tech power comes tech responsibility.

Include People
Include People
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2018

Technology is a superpower.

By automating things that run on their own, we can accomplish more than one person. And by sharing these tools with others, we can create new ways of doing things that can affect the lives of millions or billions of people.

Our systems need to change.

We have inherited some big challenges based on broken systems. In every corner of every society, people face day-to-day challenges, or even threats to our civil liberties and our lives. It was people who created these broken rules years ago, and it’s people today who can and must update them.

Including people gets us that change.

History has shown us that when people get together and demand responsible action, we solve problems best. Whatever the issue is, from mass incarceration to climate change, we all have the power to transform our communities when we get together.

That’s why we’re building tech for organizing.

Grassroots community organizing means getting connected in your local community, learning and then committing to push for brave solutions to the root causes of issues impacting you and your neighbors.

Our mission is to make change obvious.

We believe that community organizing is the natural way humans act when we get together. We see each other, we hear one another, and we make the right informed choices to support each other when we’re facing challenges.

At Include People, our tools make it easier to find those opportunities to get together.

Excited? Join us and include people.

Check out our first project: Every Public Meeting, Like, Follow, and become a supporter on Patreon.

