Giving Back in 2018

Joelle Emerson
Inclusion Insights
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2019

At the end of every year at Paradigm, we celebrate one of my favorite traditions — donating to causes we care about through our corporate philanthropy program. We not only give as a company, we allocate a generous amount for each employee to donate to the 501c3 organization of their choice.

When we instituted the program in 2016, we donated to 13 organizations working to improve equity and inclusion. In 2018, I am proud to say we gave $100,000 to more than 33 nonprofits. This year, immigrants’ rights, transgender rights, and voting rights were particularly top-of-mind for us as they came under attack from other institutions. As a company, some of the organizations chose include Centro Legal de la Raza, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, the NAACP, Raices, and the Transgender Law Center. Employees earmarked their donations for Asian Americans Advancing Justice, the International Institute of the Bay Area, the International Rescue Committee, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, and the Silvia Rivera Law Project

Other organizations work on justice, equity, and access more broadly. For example, groups like San Francisco City Impact, The Bread Project, and Tipping Point Community are focused on improving lives in the Bay Area; the National Women’s Law Center and Southern Poverty Law Center provide critical legal services; Ronald McDonald House Charities — Chicagoland and Amputee Coalition support people dealing with medical issues; and Black Girls Code, Code 2040, and Eastside College Preparatory School focus on increasing access for groups that are historically underrepresented.

All of the organizations, however, have one commonality — they positively affect the communities they serve. Prioritizing impact is one of Paradigm’s core values, and I am proud we can help these organizations expand theirs, and improve the world around them.

I’ve included a full list of the organizations we donated to below; please consider adding one (or more) to the list of organizations you’ll support in 2019 and beyond.

Paradigm Giving 2018

Organizations Chosen By Paradigm

Organizations Chosen by Paradigm Employees for Corporate Giving



Joelle Emerson
Inclusion Insights

founder & ceo at Paradigm, using data & social science to cultivate diversity. fmr women's rights lawyer. lover of innovative ideas, snacks, and oxford commas.