
Rebranding disability through achievement — Lime Connect

MaRS and CIBC Inclusive Design Challenge 2022 Winner

Access to Success Team
Inclusive by Design


A graphic that features Karen Kelsey, Relationship Manager at Lime Connect, along with her headshot.
Karen Kelsey, Relationship Manager at Lime Connect.
Lime Connect logo.

Lime Connect


Your name?
Karen Kelsey

Your role at the organization?
Relationship Manager, Canada

We realized that in addition to helping disabled candidates — including both students and current professionals — achieve their dreams, that we could also support leading corporations in reaching an untapped talent pool that could drive their business success.

Let’s hear your origin story! How did you get into this work?

In 2006, we happened to connect with a number of incredibly sharp university students who had both visible and non-visible disabilities (PWD), and their stories resonated with us. Each was a high potential candidate, seemingly able to choose their own impactful career path, yet they faced obstacles related to disclosure and self-confidence.

There was no existing organization focused on this top segment of talent, and we saw a need to fill this gap. We realized that in addition to helping disabled candidates — including both students and current professionals — achieve their dreams, that we could also support leading corporations in reaching an untapped talent pool that could drive their business success.

A man using a wheelchair is holding up a laptop with the Lime Connect logo displayed.

What does your organization do? What makes this important?

We are focused on rebranding disability through achievement, and our Lime Network of PWD is currently over 22,000 members strong across North America. In our work, we provide tools, self-confidence, community, and connections that help members to reach their full potential from both personal and professional perspectives — attracting, preparing, and connecting them for careers with the world’s leading corporations.

We currently partner with 18 outstanding corporations in both Canada and the U.S., and support them in recruiting talented disabled candidates, as well as onboarding, developing, promoting, and retaining all employees with disabilities. As a result, Lime and our partners are leading companies of all size, industry, and location to fully understand and value the strengths and talents that employees with disabilities possess.

How does your organization support inclusive and accessible hiring for people with disabilities?

Lime Connect provides a number of opportunities and methods for candidates with disabilities to connect for careers — virtual and in-person — and we provide the coaching support when needed that drives their success.

As mentioned, we also work with our partners to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that allows and encourages candidates, and employees, with disabilities to disclose and request any accommodation need that can help them to perform to the best of their ability.

A group of young professionals in Lime Connect’s fellowship program pose for a photo.

What keeps you going (other than coffee)? What are you most proud of so far?

We are incredibly proud to see so many Lime Network members gain self-confidence, and realize success that they may not have previously thought possible. In turn, they come full circle and support and mentor other Network members, and share their own stories of success as role models.

This validation of our work, and the opportunity to develop relationships with so many incredibly diverse and talented individuals, is really what keeps us going!

You were one of the winners of the MaRS & CIBC Inclusive Design Challenge! How will this win help you build on your mission?

This funding is supporting the development of a new, transformative, online experience that will be the go-to for talent, education, and community in the disability space for people with disabilities, corporations, universities, organizations, and individuals who are seeking to learn more about disability.

What’s the best way for people to support you?

Lime Connect is often described as a “best kept secret,” and we know that there are many high potential individuals with disabilities who can benefit from our work but are not aware of our programs. Sharing about the work we do, and the resources we offer for both disabled students and professionals, will allow us to create even more impact and truly rebrand disability through achievement together.

