A Tragic Antihero: Judy

Sarah Erskine
Published in
Oct 4, 2019


*this review contains spoilers

The biopic of Judy Garland starring Renee Zellweger, Judy, is the tragic story of the last year of Garland’s life. This film sets the viewers up immediately for what is ahead — tragedy. My question is, what exactly is the plot to this film? It is interesting to see Garland’s struggles and final days, and to understand why this tragedy occurred, but nothing really happens in the film. Judy’s focus is almost solely 1968 in London. There are flashbacks throughout the film of her childhood, but these are used as context or explanation. We are not to focus on those years of her life.

Read full article on Incluvie: A Tragic Antihero: Judy



Sarah Erskine

(she/her) pop culture fiend, critic, researcher, teacher, mother, wife, anti-racist, intersectional feminist, daughter, sister, organizer, baker, napper