Silliness and the Undead — Zombieland: Double Tap

Sarah Erskine
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2019


First, I have to come clean: I did not see the first Zombieland. However, I feel confident that I was still able to follow the sequel, Zombieland: Double Tap. Maybe I missed some throwback jokes, but overall, I got it. This film stars Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenberg and Abigail Breslin living in a world where zombies are everywhere and must be destroyed. Think The Walking Dead, but a comedy. When we meet these four, they are living in the White House and trying to navigate an isolated life and relationships there. This film was entertaining and fun at times, but not very evolved.

(Minor spoilers ahead.)

Female Characters

As you can see from the list of lead actors, the cast is very white. However, there are two female leads. One is Emma Stone’s character, Wichita. Wichita is a cold feminist who ascribes to the mantra of “never get attached”. She is tough and cool, but falls into the feminist trope of an icy, man-hater who is afraid to love.

Since Abigail Breslin’s character, Little Rock, is missing for a lot of the film, the only other female character is Madison played by Zoey Deutch. Madison is a pink clad, dumb blonde. Her character description would be: dumb, blonde and horny. Not the most well-rounded or original character.



Sarah Erskine

(she/her) pop culture fiend, critic, researcher, teacher, mother, wife, anti-racist, intersectional feminist, daughter, sister, organizer, baker, napper