The Biggest 2020 Oscar Snubs
Few things make me say things like “I don’t care”, but still manage to get a rise out of me like The Academy Awards manage to do each year. Talk about a love/hate relationship.
I always use it to my advantage in a discussion to defend a movie I love and say “But it won an Oscar! That’s a big deal!”
Yet I’m also just as likely to use the awards against the movie and say “Oscars don’t mean anything! They’re all over the place!”
Now I must confess, I think the Academy Awards this year are slightly better in some ways than last year in terms of nominating cohesive movies, and I understand the reasoning for (most) of the nominations. That being said, I don’t think the Academy has learned a thing about diversity, and I think there is a serious need for a re-structuring of who qualifies to vote, an influx of new members of the Academy, and large expansion in self-awareness. Oscar voters don’t even need to have seen the films they vote on, as seen in the comments made by anonymous Oscar voters. Want a good laugh? Read those anonymous comments from Academy members each year. Now, just to continue this streak of insanity, I’ll be looking over something incredibly frustrating that I probably take too personally: Oscar Snubs!