Day 0 of #30daysofML

August Radjoe
InCode Lab
Published in
1 min readNov 26, 2019

Deciding on a language.

Let me cut to the chase: It’s R. I will be redoing this series in Python or Lua (my new found love, which I will be writing about shortly) if I can at some point, but the idea of #30daysofML is to get me — and you, comfortable with Machine Learning and everything that comes with it — Working with Data, Algorithms, and deployment.

Let’s get started with the simple Titanic Dataset (It’s great to practice cleaning, processing, visualizations and predicting with). As with any engineer, I will be using documentation and medium blog from better engineers, and I will link you to it in the beginning.

Day 0 is committed to installing R, which is a fairly simple process. Download R and then download R Studio. You will need R to run R studio.

For some reason, Choco Install R didn’t work well for me, although suit yourselves. I am providing generic solutions — Move fast, break things, and learn shit ton. Let’s go.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash



August Radjoe
InCode Lab

Now: MS CS @ Boston U / Prev: Ignite Tournaments, DeFi Alliance, Persistence, Eth India Co