How I made todayilearnedbot on Instagram.

August Radjoe
InCode Lab
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2019

I get a ton of questions regarding this specific project, and since the GitHub readme is a plate of nothing, I decided to write about it here instead.

So let’s get into it!
First, I use the PRAW module in Python to scrape data from Reddit’s subreddit todayilearned. This is done by defining a function to call the scraper and calling it as an object in another Python file which makes the images, I did this using the import function in Python, and then calling it as an object and accessing the variable. Then I use OpenCV and textwrap to write the text on a black background. After doing all this, I use Instgram-API module in Python to post the image to my handle and then sleep for 24 hours.

And all of this runs on a free tier Amazon EC2 server 24*7.

Ask away any doubts in the comment sections :)



August Radjoe
InCode Lab

Now: MS CS @ Boston U / Prev: Ignite Tournaments, DeFi Alliance, Persistence, Eth India Co