
3 ways to be productive during the quarantine

How performing 3 daily activities with discipline can have a huge impact on your personal development during the quarantine

Tech - RubyCademy
Increase Productivity
3 min readApr 1, 2020


First, my thoughts are with all the victims of the COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us all how humanity can come together in times of crisis. We must keep fighting this pandemic together. I hope the situation will get better soon!

Spending your entire time at home because of the quarantine can be frustrating and BORING. From a personal standpoint, I became lazy and I started to get bad habits.. Very quickly!

Here is the Laziness theorem at its paroxysm:

Junk food + Netflix + Sofa = Productivity(0)

This combo is formidable! The next stop is the Shadow Realm but we definitely don’t want to get there.. So let’s have a look to 3 practical ways to be more productive during the quarantine.

Your reading-list

During the last few months, you accumulated a set of books to read. Indeed, at the office, your colleagues were talking about this great…

