Mastering React Design Patterns: Best Practices for Building Scalable and Maintainable Applications

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5 min readJun 5, 2023

Design patterns are important tools that developers can use to build efficient and maintainable applications. In React, design patterns can be used to solve common problems that arise during the development process. Whether you’re building a small component or a complex web application, understanding these patterns can help you write cleaner, more reusable code. Here are some of the most common design patterns used in React:

  1. Pattern with HOC
  2. Render Props
  3. Custom Hooks
  4. Compound Components

Let’s explore each of these patterns in more detail and see how they can be used to improve your React code.

1. Higher Order Components (HOC):

HOC is a design pattern in which a function takes a component and returns a new component with additional functionality. The HOC pattern is used to share code between multiple components, add functionality to existing components, and abstract away complex logic from components.

In this example, we have a function called withLayoutView that takes three components as arguments: a desktop component, a tablet component, and a mobile component. It returns a new component called LayoutView.

The LayoutView component determines the width of the screen using the useWindowDimensions hook (not shown in this code snippet). Depending on the width of the screen, it renders either the desktop, tablet, or mobile component.

This HOC can be used to make any component responsive to the size of the screen it is being viewed on. For example, suppose we have a component called MyComponent that we want to make responsive:

In this example, we are wrapping MyComponent with the withLayoutView HOC. The desktop version of MyComponent will be displayed when the screen width is greater than 850 pixels, the tablet version will be displayed when the screen width is between 600 and 850 pixels, and the mobile version will be displayed when the screen width is less than 600 pixels.

This HOC is a powerful way to create reusable and responsive components in React.

2. Render Props

Render Props is another design pattern used in React that involves passing a function as a prop to a component. The function returns JSX that is then rendered by the component. This pattern is used to share code between multiple components and allows for greater flexibility and customization of components.

In this example, we have a Toggle component that takes a render prop. The Toggle component manages the state of whether it is open or closed and provides a function to toggle this state.

The render prop is a function that returns the JSX that should be rendered. In this case, the render function takes an object with two properties: isOpen and toggle. The isOpen property is a boolean that indicates whether the Toggle component is currently open, and the toggle property is a function that can be called to toggle the state of the Toggle component.

The MyComponent functional component uses the Toggle component and passes a render function that returns a button and a paragraph tag that is only displayed if the Toggle component is open.

By using the Render Prop pattern in this way, we can create reusable components that provide functionality and allow for a flexible rendering strategy. The consumer of the component can decide how to render the content based on their own needs.

3. Custom Hooks:

Custom Hooks are a way to extract reusable logic from components into a separate function. The hook function can then be used by multiple components to provide the same functionality. This pattern is useful for abstracting away complex logic and sharing code between multiple components.

In this example, we have a custom hook called useFetchData that fetches data from an API endpoint and returns an object with three properties: data, isLoading, and error. The data property is the response from the API, the isLoading property is a boolean that indicates whether the data is currently being fetched, and the error property is any error that occurred while fetching the data.

The MyComponent functional component uses the useFetchData hook to fetch data from an API endpoint and render the data on the page. If the data is still being fetched, a loading message is displayed. If there is an error, an error message is displayed. Otherwise, the data is displayed.

By using a custom hook, we can extract common functionality into a reusable piece of code that can be used across multiple components. This can make our code more modular, easier to test, and less repetitive.

4. Compound Components:

Compound Components is a pattern that involves breaking down a component into smaller, reusable components. These smaller components are then used together to create a larger, more complex component. This pattern is used to create highly customizable and flexible components that can be reused throughout an application.

Suppose we have a component called Accordion that displays a list of items that can be expanded or collapsed. We can break down the Accordion component into smaller, reusable components called AccordionItem, AccordionTitle, and AccordionContent.

The Accordion component can then be used like so:

In this example, the Accordion component is broken down into smaller components (AccordionItem, AccordionTitle, and AccordionContent) that can be used together to create a more complex component.


By leveraging these design patterns, you can write cleaner, more maintainable code in React. They help you solve common problems and provide best practices for structuring your components and managing state.

In conclusion, mastering design patterns in React is crucial for building scalable and maintainable applications. By utilizing Higher Order Components, Render Props, Custom Hooks, and Compound Components, you can improve code reusability, readability, and maintainability in your React projects. Keep exploring and applying these patterns in your development workflow to enhance your React skills and build better applications.



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Enthusiastic Lead Web Developer at Incresco, passionate about crafting responsive websites for the ever-evolving world of digital transformation.