IncubateX Origin Story

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2 min readMar 16, 2022

We sat in the dark, contemplating what we could do.

The world was falling apart around us.

We were doing everything we could, but nothing felt like it made a big enough difference.

And then, someone had an idea

“What if we become the channel?”

“What if we leverage the power of the collective to create a place that supports visionary ideas that make real change in the world?”

This ignited the fire in us & was the catalyst for IncubateX. We vowed to only support projects that made a positive impact on society..

We’re launching a force for good in the world.

We are the misfits, the mystics, the rebels, the artists, the dreamers — and we are tired of the status quo.

And so begins our journey

About IncubateX
IncubateX is the 1st women-led incubator & NFT launchpad on web3. We specialize in helping innovative projects incorporate web3 infrastructure -mainly NFTs- within their ecosystems while focusing solely on mission-driven projects that make a positive impact IRL.

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The world’s first women-led NFT Launchpad. Harnessing the power of web3 and NFT technology to build a better world IRL.