Don’t Play the Previous Ball: A Lesson from Cricket for Product Leaders on why they need to focus on the future

Amjad Shaikh
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2024
Photo by LumenSoft Technologies on Unsplash

As a curious cricket lover following the India vs England test series, I had fun cheering India winning the final game at Dharamshala and with it the series 4–1. But something caught my eye an article on ESPN in which I found Joe Root’s statement about not playing the previous ball very interesting! He talked about the importance of staying focused on the present ball, not dwelling on the last one, especially when facing a tricky bowler like Ashwin. Now, this got me thinking — this isn’t just great advice for surviving the spin, it’s a golden nugget for ANYONE facing change, especially product leaders in the fast-paced world of development.

Courtesy ESPNCricinfo

Think about it. The market is like a constantly evolving pitch. New technologies emerge, customer needs shift, and just like Ashwin varies his bowling based on the pitch, product leaders need to adapt their game. Here’s how that Root quote translates into winning strategies for product leaders:

Facing the Change-Up:

  • Ditch the Fixation on Past Scores (Past Performance): Imagine a batsman endlessly replaying that glorious six from the previous over. It’s time to move on! Product leaders shouldn’t get hung up on past successes or failures. Customer needs and markets are like the weather — ever-changing. Clinging to what worked yesterday might leave your product looking as outdated as those baggy green caps.
  • Become a Trend-Spotting Batsman (Emerging Trends): Great product leaders are like those on-field strategists who watch the bowler’s hand, analyze the pitch, and predict the next move. They use data, competitor intel, and user feedback to anticipate the “market spin” — how trends and customer needs might change. This foresight helps them develop products that stay relevant and hit the boundary every time.
  • Be Ready to Change Your Stance (Product Roadmap): Great batsmen adjust their batting based on the pitch, whether it’s defending against swing or going for big runs? Product leaders need that same adaptability. New information might mean tweaking features, reprioritizing the roadmap, or even a complete pivot!

Keeping Your Eye on the Prize:

  • Focus on the Wicket (Customer Needs): In cricket, the goal is simple — score runs and win. For product leaders, the “wicket” is all about customer needs. Every decision, every feature, should be laser-focused on solving customer problems and delivering real value.
  • Think Beyond the Next Ball (Long-Term Vision): While a batsman needs to be present to play each delivery, he also has a bigger plan for the entire innings. Product leaders need a long-term vision for their product, but also the flexibility to adjust course as needed.

By adopting this “don’t play the previous ball” mindset, product leaders can develop an approach that’s both adaptable and future-focused. This ensures their product stays relevant, innovative, and keeps on delivering value for their customers. So, the next time you face a new challenge, remember this — stay focused on the present situation, analyze the change-up, and be prepared to adjust your swing. It’s the key to navigating the ever-changing world of product development and becoming a true champion!



Amjad Shaikh
Editor for

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