Product Management: Juggling Like a Boss (The 3 Hat Trick)

Amjad Shaikh
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2024

The life of a product manager (PM) is anything but boring. It’s like a three-ring circus where you’re the main juggler, tossing ideas, tasks, and enthusiastic pitches into the air. But fear not, fellow PM hopefuls! This article will break down the three essential hats every PM needs to master: The Thinker, the Doer, and the Hustler.

The Thinker: Brainstorming Boss

Think of the Thinker as the resident daydreamer with a strategic streak. Their superpower? Understanding users like nobody’s business. They dig deep with user research (think interviews, surveys, and even hanging out with real people!) to craft user personas — basically detailed profiles of your ideal customer.

But the Thinker isn’t all about daydreams. They’re also market ninjas, analyzing the competition and spotting trends faster than you can say “disruptive innovation.” With this intel, they cook up a killer product vision — a clear, inspiring picture of what your product will be and how it will change the world (or at least make people’s lives a little easier).

Tools of the Trade:

  • User research methods (think chats, surveys, and user testing)
  • User persona creation tools (get creative!)
  • Competitive analysis websites (shhh, don’t tell your rivals)
  • Product strategy frameworks (fancy templates to brainstorm your vision)

The Doer: Making it Happen

The Doer is the get-stuff-done guru. They take the Thinker’s vision and turn it into a reality (think building a spaceship from scratch, but with less duct tape). They’re the glue that holds the team together, collaborating with designers, engineers, marketers — basically everyone who helps bring the product to life.

Agile methodologies are their best friend — think of them as a project management superpower. They break down the product vision into smaller, bite-sized chunks (features) and prioritize them based on what users need most. They also keep the development process smooth, ensuring high-quality features are delivered on time, every time.

Tools of the Trade:

  • Project management tools (think Asana, Jira — anything that keeps things organized)
  • Agile ceremonies (sprints, stand-up meetings — think quick huddles to keep everyone on track)
  • User story writing tools (think concise descriptions of what each feature does)
  • Prototyping tools (think creating mockups before diving into code)

The Hustler: Spreading the Product Love

The Hustler is the product’s biggest cheerleader. They understand the power of marketing and use their creativity to get the word out. They’re like a magnet for customers, crafting compelling messages that highlight the product’s value proposition (the fancy way of saying “why this product is awesome”).

Data is their secret weapon. They track key performance indicators (KPIs) like crazy — basically any data point that tells them how the product is performing. This data helps them understand what’s working, what’s not, and how to fine-tune their marketing strategies to attract even more users.

Tools of the Trade:

  • Customer journey mapping tools (think a visual roadmap of how users interact with your product)
  • Marketing automation tools (think sending emails and social media posts without breaking a sweat)
  • Data analytics tools (think fancy dashboards that show you all the product’s stats)
  • A/B testing tools (think experimenting with different marketing messages to see what works best)

Becoming a Hat-Master

The best PMs don’t just wear these hats — they rock them all! Here’s the secret sauce:

  • Knowing When to Switch Hats: Sometimes you need to brainstorm (Thinker), sometimes you need to manage tasks (Doer), and sometimes you need to convince everyone your product is the next big thing (Hustler). Be flexible and adapt your approach based on the situation.
  • Time Management Ninja: Being a PM is like having three jobs at once. Mastering time management and prioritizing tasks is key to keeping all the balls in the air.
  • Building Your Squad: No PM is an island. Surround yourself with a supportive team of mentors, colleagues, and experts who can offer guidance and help you juggle those hats like a champ.

The Takeaway

By mastering the Thinker, Doer, and Hustler hats, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a product management rock star. Remember, it’s about bringing your vision to life, collaborating with amazing people, and ultimately, creating a product that users love. So, grab your juggling pins, embrace the three hats, and get ready to take the world of product management by storm!



Amjad Shaikh
Editor for

Crafting stories, shaping experiences, and engineering innovation – all while embracing the art of continuous learning and changing.