Ruby Maharjan
Incwell Bootcamp
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2019


Do You Know About UI/UX?

You know you’re gonna have a tough time if you’re entering the UX design field with little to no knowledge or experience about UI or UX. So before taking a deeper dive into a career in UX designing, let’s take a quick look at some of the important terms used in UI/UX designing:

UI/UX Design

UI, simply is about selecting the right interface elements while, UX is all about enhancing user satisfaction and designing the complete user experience. To understand the difference between UX and UI, let’s take a simple example: when you’re heading to a destination from a source, that action of going is UI and the satisfaction or feeling after you reach your destination is UX. UX design should be able to recognize the possible problems for the users and try to solve them by developing the best interface possible.

The ultimate goal of UX and UI design is making the user’s interaction efficient and simple. The key to successful design is not a good idea or a good feature- it all comes down to the user experience and user interface. Enhancing that experience, and satisfying the user’s needs will get people motivated to use & interact with the product.

Just like, how good parenting leads to a bright future of a child, the right parenting guides to design can help in developing a productive application. UX design should be implemented in such a way that it solves the problem of user, making it easy to access and understand.

There are mainly five dependent layers in UX design. It includes the following elements:

Image result for ux elements

Strategy: What do the users want? What can we expect from the site? The goal here is to define user’s needs and business objectives. This can be done by interview and research process.

Scope: What features will site include? What are the functional and content requirements? The stated requirements should be aligned with the strategic goals.

Structure: How pieces of the site fit together and behave when the user interact? It deals with how a site or an application is organized and prioritized.

Skeleton: What components will enable people to use the site determines the presentation and arrangement of all elements that make user interaction on the interface with the functionality of the system.

Surface: What will the finished product look like? It is the sum total of all the work and decisions made. It is concerned with the visual appearance of content, giving a clue as to what users can do, and how they can interact with it to make things easier to access and understand.

Here, the design of any application or site includes the above elements. Before building any site, a strategy is formed where the user's demands are studied. Later, the necessary features required for the site are recognized and placed together in a way that is convenient to the user .

Therefore, UX design should be attractive enough to make people stay on the site or application for as long as possible and make them want to visit the site, time and again.

Every beginning is hard. It’s important to keep at it with perseverance and not give up, because you’ll see the results in time, not instantly.

