Software Development Bootcamp @Incwellbootcamp

Rajesh Khadka
Incwell Bootcamp
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2019

What is software development Bootcamp?

It's the software development course which makes you earn professional skills in a professional environment. Coding Bootcamp focuses on building soft and technical skills which will be applied for work on the industry on real projects directly.

Why Coding Bootcamp?

In the context of Nepal, there is a drastic difference in the desired skill level for the Software Industry from fresh graduates. We can see the job vacancies trends in Nepal and foreign. IT industry lacks the best software engineers. Thousands of demands are reposted in the job portal.

Graduates have learned what is things but don’t know how to apply those skills for solving real-world problems.

Software companies invest their lots of resources in terms of money and time to train new software engineers. Big companies can invest resources like a trainer, space, etc to prepare human resources. But its harder for the startup and companies with few people. Few of the lucky students only get opportunities to reach the training of big companies. We can’t be sure on every person can be software engineers once they get trained. There are high chances of waste of resources.

Attending a coding Bootcamp is the best path to hop those problems and directly get the job of your interest.

How Coding Bootcamp Works?

  1. Training on technical skills
Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash

You will learn how to apply programming skills to solve real-world problems. As Bootcamp attendee, you will know the fundamentals of programming and data structures. Programming languages like Kotlin, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, etc will be your friends at the end of the session.

2. Problem Solving Techniques

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

The problem-solving approach differs from an individual person doesn’t matter whether it is efficient or not. But it really matters if you realize the value of time.

Smart Problem-solving techniques save your time which you can utilize on making your hobbies come true. At bootcamp you will learn how to generalize the problems and solve by breaking into smaller pieces.

3. Training on Framework

Once you become confident on fundamentals of programming you will dive into the specific framework. The framework has the modules which can be reused to build software which saves your time. There are lots of things which differs from the respective framework which should be known to every software developer. You will learn a framework like Android, Express, IOS, Laravel, Django, Ruby On Rails, etc.

4. Portfolio Building

Photo by José Alejandro Cuffia on Unsplash

It's rare that every individual performs better in any environment. Remember if you have faced any job interview earlier, you got nervous right?. In that case, your work speaks thousands of words rather than interview if you have only.

At the level of screening, every recruiter goes through your github, linkedin, and medium profile to have a quick look. If you can showcase your projects in an attractive way then only you can pass the gates of gears.

In Bootcamp, you will build projects and earn skills to present your showcase effectively.

5. Software Development Process

Photo by bonneval sebastien on Unsplash

Working in a team requires the effective development process to complete the project over a specified time and budget. You will learn the values, principle, and ceremonies of the agile software development process by applying to your projects.

6. One on One Mentorship

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Mentors will teach you the skills and provide feedback every day. You will build your projects once you get stuck in anything while working you can easily reach to assigned mentor for solving problems.

7. Interview Preparation

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

You will get the real environments and job employer to prepare for an interview. You will learn how to match the job requirements and speak as from the perspective of the employer.

8. Hackathons

Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

Hackathons are the best event to measure your programming skills and working on innovation. You will get a chance to boost up your efficiency.

9. Open Source Contribution

Photo by Yancy Min on Unsplash

If you are an expert and you don’t have public contribution then no one can see your skills inside of your head. Github contribution to open source projects tells your level of expertise. There are lots of things that should be taken care of while contributing to open source projects. You will learn how to start your own open source projects.

You might be thinking about boring lectures. You will learn by having fun. It's about grasping the software development skills from an industry expert. You will never get bored because they knew how to entertain you by throwing the technical jargons 😀. Believe or not it will be lots of fun.

Happy Coding 👩‍💻 👨‍💻.

