Oct 31 Speakeasy : Monsters Among Us

Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2015

Nothing is more fun than seeing Hollywood pros at play . . .

Los Angeles, this Halloween we’ve got some scary stories for you. Hollywood writers, screenwriters, actors, filmmakers, and creative entrepreneurs unite for an evening of great stories, free food and wine on October 31 from 7:30–9:30 pm hosted by the Film Funding Club and Indee.

Stories from carefully chosen speakers will start at 8. We’ll share free food, wine, and getting to know each other before and after.

We’ll hear about the Dad who scares the neighborhood, the Momster who never lets her child grow up, the Serial Killer who served breakfast our last summer at the lodge, and the Boyfriends, Girlfriends and Bosses who artfully made every day a living hell until we took the high road.

We all have several such stories, and if you have been looking for a place or people to share these stories with, this is the perfect time for you.

Indee is tying up with the Film Funding Club to bring you “Monsters Among Us”. Get tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oct-31-monsters-among-us-the-promenade-playhouse-early-bird-tix-5-tickets-18913185848

At this event we’ll all share some monsters we have known.

If you’d like to submit your story for inclusion in this event, please email it to nancy.fulton@yahoo.com. If selected you’ll read the story at the event.

It must meet the following requirements:

• It Must Have A Title

• Be Under 600 Words (5 Minutes)

• Be Rated G, PG or R (Nothing X-Rated or Gory)

• Be Written In the First Person

• Be About Your Experience with a Monster in the Real World

• Can be True or Total Fiction

• Can be Terrifying or Funny (or both) • Must be Something You Wrote

• Can be you Speaking “in Character”. (ex: a person who throws the switch on electric chair explaining he not a monster even though he’s killed more people than the serial killers he’s executed). This makes it better for actors who participate.

• Please Do Include Your Bio/Credits and a link to your website or twitter handle if you have one so if you’re selected we can introduce you

• Please include a relevant photo we can show it behind you. It must be one you own / have the right to display. If you don’t have one, we’ll find one that goes with the theme of your story. (Note: You can get great stock photos cheap at Pond5.com)

• Submissions will be evaluated in order of receipt. We’ll stop when we have 20 great entries selected. We’ll be accepting about 20 pieces (assuming we get that many contributions) so you have a good chance of being accepted. The show will be about an hour long. We’ll drink and eat before and after.

We’ll be accepting about 20 pieces (assuming we get that many contributions) so you have a good chance of being accepted. The show will be about an hour long.

Looking forward to some scary, creepy stories to go with the delicious wine and food!

