Moving Home

We’re consolidating all Indeed blogs in a snazzy new Medium hub

Donal McMahon
Indeed Data Science
2 min readDec 4, 2018


Dear Followers,

We’ve enjoyed sharing our insights about data science with you over the past year and are looking forward to contributing more articles in the coming year.

This quick note is to let you know that we are moving our posts to the Indeed Engineering pub on Medium. We want to consolidate all of our technical posts under one publication so that readers can more easily stay up-to-date on all of the tech news at Indeed.

Please take a moment to follow the Engineering pub, and thank you for reading!

As a refresher, here are the articles we wrote in 2017 and 2018:

Transitioning from Academia to Industry by Robyn Rap provides perspectives from Indeed’s Data Scientists who moved to the private sector. Robyn discusses the factors which might affect your decision, transferable skills, differences in work environment and provides tips on how to get hired.

Marketing for Data Scientists by Erik Oberg outlines a 7-step go-to-market plan for your next data product. Building a great data product is only half your journey, and Erik outlines how you can ensure adoption and repeat usage.

There’s No Such Thing as a Data Scientist by Clint Chegin highlights inconsistent definitions of data science. By examining all of the job descriptions on, Clint identifies common patterns and proposes more descriptive titles.

Qualitative + Quantitative by Robyn Rap and Vicky Zhang show how data scientists (and their models) can benefit from qualitative research. Vicky and Robyn outline the scientific method, where qualitative evaluations can help you to avoid Type III errors.

Does Your Job Title Matter? by Zhuying Xu describes how small changes in job titles can have large impacts in the number and qualification of your applicants. Zhuying ran an experiment with our own job postings to see how a single-word edit could have a large effect.

Where do Data Scientists Come From? by Chris Lindner explores the resumes of practicing data scientists. Who are these unicorns? What are their academic backgrounds? From what other industry roles did they transition? What did they do next in their careers? All will be revealed using insights from Indeed’s extensive resume database.

