Learning From Incidents: An SREcon21 Panel Discussion

Learning from Incidents Splash Screen featuring speaker names.

Understanding how you can learn from your mistakes helps your organization in many ways. In this panel discussion, a group of site reliability engineers talk about the challenges and rewards of adding value to products, directing attention to key issues, and building a culture of learning through incident response retrospectives.

This video was originally recorded on October 13, 2021 for the SREcon21 session “Ask Our LFI Panel Anything About Learning From Incidents,” sponsored by Indeed.



  • Duck Lawn — Articulate
  • Emily Ruppe — Twilio and SendGrid
  • Josie Hughes — Xero
  • Alex Elman and Eric Dobbs — Indeed
  • John Allspaw — Adaptive Capacity Labs
  • Beth Adele-Long — Jeli

Cross-posted on Indeed Engineering Blog.

