Indefinite Breakthrough
5 min readMay 5, 2021


Brooke Write standing in a hallway with her head turned
Brooke Write Founder of Creative Collab

What is your most favorite word? Why does this word resonate
with who you are as a person?

Blessings! The word blessings resonates with me as a person because of
its high energy and meaning. The definition of blessings breaks down into
the key meanings of God’s favor and protection, a person’s support,
something that brings wellbeing, and a beneficial thing for which one is
grateful. When you depict each of these meanings, it all spirals down to
perception and how we view life — which is one of the main things I speak
on. To be in a “blessed” mood each day is choosing to have a positive
perception about life no matter how up or down it feels.

How did you become the person you are today?

I became the person I am today through a lot of pain and trauma. I
experienced a few traumatic situations in my life starting as a child and
that influenced how I grew up and behaved as a child and teenager. I
wasn’t happy growing up and allowed the internal pain I was feeling to
blind me from progressing in life.

I was heading down a negative path until I decided I wanted to change and be different.

The universe started working in my favor. I received a book from
my friend called, “The Pursuit: Success is Hidden in the Journey” by
Dexter Yager and John Mason. In my brief review, the book was about
having faith, trusting God, creating your own version of success, and
having a positive mindset. That book changed my life and has literally
sparked the journey I am on today.

I was so inspired about everything they spoke about that I wanted to learn more and dive all the way in. So, I did and since 2011, I’ve been on the journey of learning about mental health, mindset, spirituality, and personal development which naturally transitioned into my brand as Brooke Write and ultimately lead to me being an entrepreneur and a much more enlightened and positive individual.

Tell us about your business?

Brooke Write is my personal brand which focuses on mindset and
entrepreneurship helping new and growing entrepreneurs increase their
performance, productivity, and profits by improving their systems and
strategies. Through my personal brand, I train more on business
development and personal development. Then, my startup, Creative
, is mainly focused on helping Content Creators create content that
converts and turns their audience into leads and sales by focusing on
personal branding and lead generation strategies.

Brooke Write

When is the last time you took a leap of faith in your business?

Today! Every day we wake up and choose to continue running a
business is taking a leap of faith, especially for entrepreneurs who are still
building up to their version of “making it.” The last time I took an insane leap was during the COVID-19 quarantine and I completely changed the concept of Creative Collab from a self-care brand to an educational content creation community. The leap was a little scary but I pushed past the fear and followed my intuition.

Faith overpowers fear

Tell us one current business goal that you are working on?

Building Creative Collab but focusing more on building an actual
community of creators and learning how we can help content creators
learn and earn more.

Who or what inspires you?

Inspiration is all around us, if you really look.

How do you handle hardships when things don’t go as planned?

Resilience should be my middle name the way I exude that trait with ease.
When I approach a challenge on my journey, I always remember a few
things that help me to push through instead of pull back.

Everything is temporary

God gives the toughest battles to the strongest angels

Turn your pain into power

I’m big on the mindset and I understand how vital it is to make sure your
mindset is equipped to handle the ups and downs of life by focusing on
our perceptions and perspectives. The best way to handle hardships is to
change the way you see them.

At what pivotal moment in your life/business have you experienced a

The most recent breakthrough I’ve experienced in my business and life is
getting clear on what I actually want regarding the concept of ‘success’.
Thanks to the COVID-19 quarantine, I’ve had a lot of time to reflect, learn, unlearn, re-evaluate, reorganize, restructure, and rethink. I realized since being an entrepreneur in 2016, a lot has changed for me. I no longer want the same things I once did, I no longer feel the pressure to succeed, and I no longer chase money. Today, my vision of success is completely different and I feel much more enlightened about the path I’m on to fulfill my vision.

How did that experience shape the person you are today?

It has definitely allowed me to let go and release certain blocks that were
in my way. But really, it has allowed me to feel more free, grounded, secure, and confident in who I am, what I’m doing, and where I’m going in
life and business.

Where do you find beauty?
Beauty is also like inspiration; it’s all around us and inside of us. I don’t
necessarily go out looking for beauty. Instead, I like to see the beauty in all
things and people, even if it/they may have an ugly side. That’s the beauty
of life; knowing we all have two sides and learning how to love, appreciate,
or at least understand all sides of life. Again, it’s all about perception.

Why are you the person to do what you do?

Because I am and anything I put after “I am” is because I am! I am the person to do what I do because I come with the personal and professional experience,
knowledge, and education. I’ve been learning about mental health and mindset since 2011 and learning about business since 2016. It’s my passion. I put the people first. I truly support and care about those I service. It’s more than external accomplishments.

What is your saying/mantra in life?

If you believe, you’ll receive. But if you doubt, you’ll go without.



Indefinite Breakthrough

Startup Founder of the Black Women’s Business Collective 💛 Filled with resources & inspiration after 14 years in business & 37 years of living. Catch this vibe