As Shit Shows Go, Trump’s Presidency Tops Them All

But last night’s debate was right up there.

Ramona Grigg
Indelible Ink


Source: UPI

I pride myself on not watching political debates — I’ve never seen one yet that was an actual debate and not a choreographed linguistic wrestling match— but I watched last night’s ‘debate’ between Donald Trump and Joe Biden just to see how Trump was going to show the country how presidential he could be when push came to shove.

A day or two before the debate Trump was asked what he was doing to prepare for it. When he said he didn’t have to prep, I knew he was planning to do exactly what he did, which is exactly what he does every time he gets before the cameras. There’s a specific script in his brain and he never deviates. I wrote this on Twitter yesterday:

Donald Trump announces he’s not prepping for the debate tonight. And why would he? It’ll be:

Insult Joe — check

Fake news — check

Blue states are bad — check

Great job on COVID — check

Stock mkt booming — check

I’m the greatest — check

I beat Hillary — check

I missed ‘Biden kept me from paying taxes’ and ‘Shout-out to Proud Boys’ — and I really didn’t see ‘Reduce Chris Wallace to

