Herd Immunity Can’t Happen Without the Herd

Trump’s willing crowds have to take the blame, too.

Ramona Grigg
Indelible Ink


Photo credit: Jacquelyn Martin — AP

When Donald Trump contracted COVID-19, I had mixed feelings — I didn’t want him to die, (I didn’t!)but I really hoped he would be so freaking miserable he might finally get what the fuss is all about. If he’d suffered the way so many Americans had, he might have to concede that it was worse than the flu — far, far worse. He might finally have to take seriously the pandemic that has been raging throughout our country since early in the year.

It didn’t happen. Immediately on arrival at Walter Reed, according to the president’s team, Trump was given a series of treatments usually reserved for last efforts (and obviously not available to everyone). According to reports he felt ‘some discomfort’ but was never in any real danger. Within days after he’d been airlifted from the White House lawn to Walter Reed he was back, triumphant, channeling a slightly breathless Benito Mussolini (or was it Evita?) on the White House balcony, telling Americans, unbelievably, that they didn’t need to let COVID dominate their lives.

And from that moment on, all bets were off — along with the masks.

Within a few more days, Trump was cleared — seemingly miraculously — of any infection…

