The Price of Being a Piddler in a Goal-Oriented World

I can’t help it — I’ve always been this way.

Alecia Kennedy
Indelible Ink


Photo by Sarah Mak on Unsplash

It is 1:00 p.m. and I can’t say for sure where the morning went. I did some reading and ran an errand and made a doctor’s appointment. I played with a spreadsheet and created some graphs strictly for my own use and pleasure. I marveled at the beauty and sadness of a winter day.

I am just as likely to spend an afternoon taking a walk through the park with my camera in hand or sitting in silence for an eternity watching and waiting for a chipmunk to emerge from his hiding place in the roots of a gnarled old oak as I am to do something “constructive” like making money or catching up on my bookkeeping.

I am not a slacker. I am not lazy. I make the money I need and I work hard. Ask anyone who has ever worked with me and they will tell you that I am dependable and organized. But even in an office environment where I attend meetings and send e-mails and think grand work thoughts, I still take time to visit with co-workers, take walks, and work on side projects that are not required for my job, but rather bring an extra layer of worth and satisfaction to what I do.

I operate in the world in a way that many do not understand. It is every bit as important to me to spend hours organizing and labeling years worth of…

