Why Do Writers Hate Themselves For Being Writers?

Self-flagellation is not a prerequisite. In fact, it marks you as an amateur.

Ramona Grigg
Indelible Ink


Wikimedia Commons

Trigger warning: This could hurt your feelings.

I’ve been a writer for a long time. Through many, many decades. I’ve been a member of writers organizations, I’ve been a speaker and workshop leader at writers conferences, I’ve taught classes on writing, I’ve been involved in writing communities off-line and on-line, and I’m here to say I’ve never seen as much angst over writing as I’ve seen here on Medium.

There are thousands of stories about writing here. Many of them are exceptional — full of thoughtful advice — but way too many of them end up as anguished personal confessions about what the post writer sees as his or her own failures.

So many stories about threatening to quit writing; so many about how unfair the world (and Medium) is when it won’t recognize their talent. There are more stories here about the downside of being a writer than any other topic. I mean any other topic.

It’s a freaking cottage industry.

If you’re one of those writers and you came here looking for solace, forget it. I’m not here to hold your hand or beg you to keep on keeping on. You’re either a writer or you’re not.

