Yes, ‘Preaching To The Choir’ IS All It’s Cracked Up To Be

It’s how we build a community.

Ramona Grigg
Indelible Ink


Photo by Colin Michael on Unsplash

We’re counting down the election in days now. Just a week away, and if we’re doing our jobs thousands of us are still out there trying to line up the votes for our side. Me, I’m over on Twitter many times a day, sharing posts, writing my own thoughts, knocking the cheats and lies, doing my best to be positive when it seems everyone else is sure the sky is falling.

We’re facing the election of our lives. Everything is at stake and our only hope, after all that we’ve been through, after all that we’ve tried to do to stem this disaster, is in getting out the vote.

Just this morning I wrote on Twitter: “It’s as simple as this: We can’t win if we don’t vote.” I used this hashtag to give it some direction: #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica.

Not exactly brilliant, or even pithy, but the fact is, our crowd has to vote if we’re going to win the election coming up, and if we repeat these things often enough they eventually gain legs. Followers retweet and it becomes someone else’s message. If we’re lucky it’ll drown out all those other tweets saying the exact opposite. Because the truth is, we can’t win if we don’t vote.

As an opinion writer my natural tendency is to write with one audience in mind: those who…

