Create your own creatures in the next chapter of NovelGens, available now

Andrew Brown
Indent Labs
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2023

It’s a new year! After the site’s success in 2022, I’m excited to start a new chapter moving forward for NovelGens. There’s a ton of new stuff in this update for you to explore, but I’ll list the big hitters here and send you on your way!

Anyone can now create and publish their own fictional creatures on NovelGens

Create your own creatures on NovelGens

After a year of waiting for the site to generate one creature for everyone per day, you can now create and publish your own creatures to everyone. Just like last year’s creatures, you can upload your own images, write your own description, customize your creature’s rarity, and let other people start adding their own stories and artwork to the new life you’ve created.

To create your first creature, just log in to NovelGens and head over to your new creature management page (or click Account > My Creatures).

Search the entire NovelGens menagerie to find the perfect creature for your world

Search across all creatures on NovelGens

Looking for the perfect spider, dragon, moth, or marsupial to add to your fictional world? Now you can search every creature from a single page and find the right creature for you. And, as always, you can claim the creature right there for use in your own writing (and other creative works)!

The new management tools show all of your stories and artwork in one place

New management tools for all of your stories and artwork

Once you’ve started adding your own stories and artwork to creatures on NovelGens, you can head on over to the new content management page and track your kudos all in one place. These kudos will now also be highlighted on your profile and around the site, letting visitors know which stories and artwork others have enjoyed recently — and point them in your direction!

Show off the creatures you’ve created from your profile

And so much more!

There’s tons of other improvements, polishing, and the occasional bug fix in this update as well — but there’s still lots more work to be done! Three big projects on my to-do list are trading creatures between users, adding comments to stories and artwork, and opening up the site’s image and description generators for everyone. I’m excited to keep working on NovelGens and can’t wait to see how it improves in 2023!

Happy worldbuilding!
— Andrew

