New in image uploads, family trees, smarter prompts, and a new design

Andrew Brown
Indent Labs
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2017

Hello, creators!

Since releasing subscriptions last month, we’ve heard a lot of great feedback from users on how you create rich, detailed worlds and how can better assist where you need it and stay out of the way where you don’t.

It probably won’t come as a surprise to you that several notable features were repeatedly at the top of the suggestion list — such as uploading images, creating family trees, and a more polished UI.

I’m happy to say that I literally just pushed up an update releasing these popular features and more — and they’re all ready for you, right now. Hop on over to to check them out yourself, or read on to learn what all is new.

You can now upload images to any content.

Upload and manage your images from the Gallery tab.

Images are an amazing way to share your ideas while worldbuilding, from conceptual inspiration to the smallest of details in maps and sketches. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that this was our most-requested feature from users since launch.

While editing any of your content, simply navigate to the new “Gallery” tab and you’ll be presented with a new interface for uploading images to anything. Every user has been given 50MB of space for full-size uploads to start with, and upgrading to Premium adds an additional 1GB of space.

A new UI puts your visuals front-and-center.

Uploaded images are now highlighted at the top of your content — and on your dashboard.

The first thing you’ll notice when visiting next is the fresh coat of paint. No longer will content stretch across huge monitors or be overwhelmingly big on small displays. We’ve polished our responsiveness from phones to tablets to large displays and cleaned up our UI into a much smoother experience.

You’ll also find that your dashboard and the content you create now feature the images you upload more prominently. Outside of your gallery, you’ll also see the images you upload in headers and cards around the site.

Family trees now build themselves.

Setting each of these relationships on Ron Weasley also sets the proper relation on the other Weasleys.

Another highly-requested feature is improved family trees. This is an area where the smarts of your smart notebook can easily start showing, and this new update should make building family relations a bit easier for you.

The Relations tab on characters has been improved to deep-link through to other characters. If you say Alice is Bob’s sibling, we also know Bob is Alice’s sibling — and now we also save that information to both Alice and Bob’s pages for you.

Similarity, if you were to list Carol as Dave’s mother, both Carol and Dave are automatically edited simultaneously to build both sides of that link. If, instead, you were to say Dave is Carol’s child, we automatically detect what gender Carol is and mark her as Dave’s mother or father, as appropriate.

It’s less complicated than it sounds, I promise. Give it a shot yourself!

Answer content prompts with context.

That tiny little card in the sidebar that so many people have raved makes worldbuilding bite-sized and fun has moved to your dashboard and been supercharged with context.

Whenever you’re presented with a question about one of your ideas, you can now click over to the “Quick Reference” tab and see a brief overview of related information to jog your memory and spark an answer. You’ll see your notebook assistant Tristan there too, as he’s always happy to look up that information for you!

Write your answer and hit submit and it’ll automatically be saved to the related idea in your notebook. It’s a great way to build your world piece by piece, securely saved and organized for you.

From any prompt, click the reference tab to see more information that might be helpful.

And, of course, much more!

We’re always improving behind the scenes to make sure your notebook is as powerful and complex as you need it to be. In addition to the major changes above, we’ve also been hard at work at several other benefits:

  • You can now fully expand all content tabs at once instead of switching between tabs when viewing or editing content with the “Expand” button, next to the save button.
  • The same smarts that make building a family tree easy have also been applied to Group hierarchies and politics. You’ll notice that supergroups, subgroups, and sistergroups — as well as fields like allies, enemies, and rivals — also build links from both sides now.
  • We’ve added a few new fields — like “Related creatures” on Creatures — and made it even easier for you to create your own. Just click “Add custom category” on any content page to create your own tabs and fields.
  • We’ve optimized several queries on the dashboard and content pages that should make the size feel significantly faster under heavy use.

And by the time you’ve read this, we’ve probably added much more. Keep an eye out here on Medium, on Twitter, or on Facebook for new feature announcements like this.

Now go give the new features a shot! We worked hard on them; I hope you enjoy them!

Happy worldbuilding!

What is Indent Labs?

Indent Labs is, at its core, a collection of ambitious open-source natural language processing projects aimed squarely at moonshots in the field of writing. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could generate quality stories from outlines, or automatically outline a story? What about generating a story as you make decisions on behalf of a character?

The first word processor showed up in the 60’s and revolutionized writing through technology. Isn’t it time for another shift forward?

