’s community drive starts now

Andrew Brown
Indent Labs
Published in
5 min readMay 3, 2017

What’s new, in short:

  • If you sign up for a Premium subscription before June 15, you’ll get 3 entries in our upcoming raffle, 3 votes to decide our next big feature, and an extra 1.2GB of space to fill with image uploads.
  • Each friend you refer that signs up for Premium earns you both extra raffle entries, feature votes, and even more storage space..
  • Instead of $9 per month, you can now choose two new ways to pay: every three months for $8/month, or every year for $7/month.

The power of community

A long time ago, in a galaxy not too far away, I and some friends set out to create a piece of software that would make worldbuilding easier, simpler, and more powerful.

We worked long and hard and produced, which launched publicly this February. Since then, we’ve seen thousands of worldbuilders sign up and provide oceans of amazing feedback. We’ve grown from an initial triumvirate of categories (Characters, Locations, and Items — or colloquially “people, places, and things”) to over 10 in-depth categories ranging from races to religions.

With your feedback, we’ve added data exporting (so you can download your notebook any time you want), better questions tailored to your worlds (so you can flesh out your world any time you want, one question at a time), custom relations (so adding familial relations between characters automatically builds the inverse for you), and much more.

We’ve collaborated on Slack, over Discord, on great subreddits, and even in 140-character snippets on Twitter. I’ve personally reviewed and responded to every email with anyone who’s wanted to “just chat” about worldbuilding, and have learned a lot about conjuring realistic realities — and everything that entails. But of course, there’s much more to learn, and I’d like to share that knowledge with everyone by building a community within

Building our community: the raffle

In order to jumpstart our community of worldbuilders, I want to give back to the community that has propelled my wildest dreams forward: the authors, roleplayers, and other creatives using To do this, we will be having a big raffle drawing on June 15, 2017. The prizes and number of winners in this raffle will increase as more users sign up for a Premium subscription, so everyone benefits!

The raffle prizes (and number of winners) increase with more subscribers.

You can check the community drive progress, how many subscribers we’ve gained, and the current level of raffle rewards at any time by clicking “Community Drive” in the top-right of any page, or going here.

All users with a current Premium subscription have been gifted three entries into the raffle drawing, as well as three votes to put towards deciding what our first community-based feature will be (more on that below).

Earn better rewards by referring friends

Every friend you refer that signs up for a Premium membership will automatically gift you (and them!) some extra goodies:

Referring a friend adds perks to you and your friend’s account.

You can earn these rewards as many times as you’d like (with each new friend), so make sure you share your experience with to anyone you think would benefit from a smart, digital notebook!

Vote on’s next feature

To put the power into the community, Premium users have been given three feature votes (and can earn more votes) to cast in what they’d like to see as the first community feature. Letting you decide how you want to share your expertise (and how you’d like others to share theirs!) is the least I can do.

As always, feedback and feature requests are always welcome, but to keep voting fair and give every idea a shot at reality, I’ve opened up the four most-requested social features since launch to a vote.

Whether you prefer showing off your world (and seeing the best of others’ worlds) with community challenges; or collaborating within your universe with friends and coworkers online; or getting your most detailed questions directly answered by experts in a range of subjects; or just sitting back and talking shop with other worldbuilders, there’s a feature for everyone.

And of course: if two features are highly-requested, there will only be one winner — but you should still expect to see that other popular idea show up in a future update as well. After all, voting is just a way for the community to collaboratively voice what features you want to see next.

You can vote (and see results in real-time) by clicking “Vote on features” in the top-right of any page, or visit the page here.

Pay less per month with new subscription plans

Lastly, we’ve also added two new ways to subscribe to Premium. In addition to the traditional per-month payment plan, you can now choose to pay every three months or every year — and pay a little less per month when you do.

Choose between paying every 1, 3, or 12 months to save a little extra on your subscription.

Subscriptions allow me to continue working on full-time and build out more than just new features to your digital notebook, but also explore new methods of writing entwined with your smart notebook.

You can look forward to not only more features soon, but also new ways to interact with your worlds and use that information while writing. It’s still only the beginning for the smarts behind!

If you haven’t already given online worldbuilding a shot, now’s a great time to sign up here and get started. If you’re already on board, hop on over to the community drive page and lets build a community together!

Happy worldbuilding!

— Andrew

What is Indent Labs?

Indent Labs is, at its core, a collection of ambitious open-source natural language processing projects aimed squarely at moonshots in the field of writing. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could generate quality stories from outlines, or automatically outline a story? What about generating a story as you make decisions on behalf of a character?

The first word processor showed up in the 60’s and revolutionized writing through technology. Isn’t it time for another shift forward?

