How To Jump-Start Your Day

D.D. Dwase
Independence Day
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2022


Photo by Maksim Goncharenok on Pexels

Do you find it hard to get going in the morning? If so, don’t feel bad.

When the alarm goes off, a lot of people feel the same way.

But you know what? You can get your day off to a good start and set the tone for the hours to come if you think about it and make plans the night before.

This is a strong choice you can make for yourself because the way you start your day sets the tone for the rest of it.

In fact, your start affects everything that comes after it in a deep but subtle way.

So, anything you can do to start off in a good mood and full of energy is a good thing.

How Your Jump-Start Helps You

Imagine what it’s like to wake up in the morning after being kept awake by restlessness, worries, or bad dreams.

You wake up feeling out of sorts and dreading the next few hours.

You might not even know how to begin. At the same time, stress grows as time passes.

Now, think about how this might feel if you had done some work to get ready the night before.

Even if you’re still tired, it’s great to know that you’ve taken care of yourself by doing some prep work.



D.D. Dwase
Independence Day

Jesus Is King | Author | Writing: Faith, Self-Mastery, Business, Investing, Financial Freedom, Web Hosting.