How To Thrive In The Face Of Competition

Competition should keep you alive and excited to go out and do a better job of meeting your customers’ needs.

D.D. Dwase
Independence Day


Photo by Orione Conceição

Your competition (opposition) doesn’t have to be your enemy. They make sure you keep up with QoS (Quality of Service), excellence, and innovation.

Most monopolies don’t care about the quality of their brands, which makes the world a boring place to live.

No matter how many other brands there are, your clients will stick with yours if you are consistent.

Competition will make you realise that you need to keep your clients and not just rely on big deals.

When you know what you want, it won’t bother you if a company that sells similar goods moves into the store next to yours.

Your customers won’t bother going anywhere else because you offer a unique service with a touch of excellence and high-quality products.

Now they know what they can expect. If you were giving your customers bad deals because you were the only one who could do it, you would be worried.

Competition should keep you alive and excited to go out and do a better job of meeting your customers’ needs.



D.D. Dwase
Independence Day

Jesus Is King | Author | Writing: Faith, Self-Mastery, Business, Investing, Financial Freedom, Web Hosting.