Know Who You’re Up Against

Your biggest obstacle to progress is YOU. When you know yourself better, you can fight off anything that comes from outside sources much better.

D.D. Dwase
Independence Day


Photo by Daniel Friday Danzor

Knowing who is against your destiny gives you a 50% chance of winning. Winning a battle means putting an end to it in your favour.

Your biggest obstacle to progress is YOU.

If you don’t know, master, and believe in yourself, you will never grow.

When you think you’re not as good as other people or that only a few people can be great, you’re fooling yourself and getting bad information.

Even if no one has ever told you you’re great, that doesn’t mean you aren’t.

Greatness is something that gets passed down from generation to generation, so you are also a part of the greatness cake.

If you were waiting for someone to tell you, you now have the information.

You’re an amazing person.

Don’t hurt yourself the most. Do not get in your own way of being successful and important.

You shouldn’t use your eyes to look down on yourself. Your path to greatness might not move as quickly as it seems to move for others.



D.D. Dwase
Independence Day

Jesus Is King | Author | Writing: Faith, Self-Mastery, Business, Investing, Financial Freedom, Web Hosting.