The #1 Key In Opening The Gates Of Abundance In Your Life

D.D. Dwase
Independence Day
Published in
10 min readAug 23, 2022


The key to opening the doors to abundance in your life is to have a “state of gratitude.”

For one thing, being grateful can put you in the vibration of getting what you want.

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Photo by Liza Summer on Pezels

Cycles end when you are grateful, and when you are grateful “in advance,” you are energetically in the fulfilment of what you want to happen.

The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s made up.

Its belief comes from your emotional energy, which is based on how strong and how often your emotions are.

But don’t let your gratitude depend on what you get, because that’s not real.

Be thankful for the gift of co-creation.

Be thankful for the power you have to direct your life.

Celebrate your dreams coming true, but don’t care how they turn out.

Without ties, you leave yourself open to being surprised by life.

”Gratefulness is heaven itself.” William Blake

An Attitude Of Gratitude



D.D. Dwase
Independence Day

Jesus Is King | Author | Writing: Faith, Self-Mastery, Business, Investing, Financial Freedom, Web Hosting.