How one call can make a difference during the cost-of-living crisis

Independent Age
Independent Age
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2022

As part of our BBC Lifeline Appeal, Thabani spoke to us about finding relief through support such as Pension Credit.

Having worked as a nurse for more than 40 years, Thabani, like many in later life, thought she would manage her retirement by surviving on her pensions.

Living with her daughter, Khwezi, she had been able to supplement her income with additional money from working in commercials. But with health issues and the COVID-19 pandemic striking, this work had to stop, and the 73-year-old and her daughter soon found themselves struggling to make ends meet.

Thabani is an older woman smiling at the camera while stood on a balcony.
Like many in later life, Thabani thought that having worked for years, she would be able to survive on her pensions.

“I thought I was comfortable, but my State Pension and small private pension just wasn’t covering the mortgage,” she tells us. “My daughter works in a school but even with her salary, it wasn’t enough to pay the mortgage and we quickly ended up in arrears.”

“The arrears went up and up, and so did my blood pressure.”

By calling their mortgage provider, Thabani was able to negotiate a payment holiday but it was short-lived and she describes it as a “desperate, desperate time”.

“Without Independent Age, I don’t think I’d be here”

“We had so many problems — where to get food from, how to pay the bills, gas and electric going up and paying council tax too,” she says. “I thought our home would be repossessed and when I would read about or see homeless people, I would think ‘is it going to be me next?’.”

Thabani heard about Independent Age in 2021 and through just a few phone calls, we were able to help her claim Pension Credit and Attendance Allowance; support that she was entitled to but knew little about. The 73-year-old describes the support from the Independent Age team as her “prayers being answered”.

The people on the phone were so lovely. They listened to me, didn’t judge and understood as I explained why I couldn’t work,” she says.

“Independent Age made me feel like a normal person with a bright future ahead of me. They made me feel like I matter.”

We hear from people like Thabani every day who are struggling, particularly as the cost of living rises, and who don’t realise there is support available. We know that there are around 850,000 households in the UK that are missing out on Pension Credit — a top-up to your pension income and access to wider support that could make life a little easier right now.

Thabani and her daughter, Khwezi began to struggle during the pandemic but found support through Independent Age.

While Thabani and her daughter are still worried about the cost-of-living crisis, “the smile is back on my face,” she says. “Without Independent Age, I don’t think I’d be here.”

“You look down on yourself and question yourself when you are struggling — could I have saved more? How did I end up in this position?” she asks.

“I never knew times like this would come. Independent Age really helped me get my dignity back.”

Thabani shared her story with us as part of our BBC Lifeline Appeal which you can learn more about here.

If you, or someone you know, is finding things difficult at the moment, you can read more about Pension Credit here.

Or call our free Helpline for further help and advice on 0800 319 6789.

