Campaigns round-up

Independent Age
Independent Age
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2023

How you can campaign in your community

Independent Age campaigners outside the Department for Work and Pensions

At Independent Age, we work to change laws, policies and regulations to benefit the lives of older people across the UK. It’s not something we can do alone — nor can we challenge every decision that’s made in local areas throughout the country.

So, we’re supporting our hard-working campaigners to take action in their communities. We’ve launched a suite of resources, working with activists and community organisations to empower people to campaign in their communities. If there’s a decision in your community you want to influence, whether it be about health, transport or another service your local council provides, we’re here to help you.

Our resources include a toolkit to help you understand how decisions are made locally, tips and tricks about how to use social media to gain supporters, and a template letter you can use to write to your local decision maker.

Take a look at our resources, or contact our Campaigns team at

We hear constantly from older people that they’re not having the retirement they hoped for. Whether that’s because of money worries, difficulties accessing care and treatment or something else entirely, the varied needs of older people aren’t being met, leaving many to feel invisible or powerless.

So, working with Centre for Ageing Better, Age UK and National Pensioners Convention, we’ve launched our campaign for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing — an independent champion at the heart of government to resolve the issues older people face, to benefit us all as we age.

You can support our campaign here .

