A close-up on poverty

Independent Age
Independent Age
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2024

Actors Jane Asher, Vincent Ebrahim and Sue Holderness star in our powerful new film series tackling the stigma of poverty in later life

Sue Holderness on the set of Independent Age’s latest helpline video

To highlight the life-changing work of our Helpline and the solutions our advisers can offer, we’ve commissioned a series of short films to demonstrate the reality of financial hardship for people in later life. Three well-known actors bring to life the challenges for older people of living on a low income: Jane Asher, whose acting career has spanned more than six decades, Sue Holderness, best known for playing Marlene in sitcom Only Fools and Horses, and The Kumars at №42 actor Vincent Ebrahim.

Vincent Ebrahim

They deliver stories based on real — often heartbreaking — calls to our Helpline. On average, callers to Independent Age are missing out on around £4,000 in additional financial support each year — enough to change a life.

Jane plays Jill, a former wedding dress shop owner who lost her business. Sue plays Kathy, who is a carer and struggling financially. Vincent plays Robert, whose retirement income couldn’t keep up with the cost of living.

Jane Asher

Their powerful and emotional performances bring out the overwhelming worry and stress that many older people living in financial hardship experience.

On taking part in the film, Jane said: “Times are incredibly tough. No one in later life should have to face money worries alone and unsupported, or feel ashamed of asking for help. Stories like Jill’s show how a person’s circumstances can change so quickly.” For Sue, her character’s story shows “the help that is out there. But also the lack of awareness of the support people can claim.” Vincent said that “Robert’s story is just one example of how the cost of living is impacting people aged over 65…people who have worked all their lives, but now they have retired, their income isn’t enough to even scrape by.”

You can watch our three new films, or donate to our Helpline here or by calling 020 7605 4223.

